Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Happy Father's Day

I live for hand print crafts! Thank goodness Mallory finally likes them too!  I use Crayola paint all the time.  I like how it is washable.  Of coure it never seems to come out of the wash cloths I use to wipe her hands with.  I use my finger to paint her hands and then quickly place them on the paper before they are all over her clothes or the couch.  We might should move our painting activities outdoors, but so far so good.  I use stamps for the rest.  I think it turns out cuter than having my sloppy handwritting all over her masterpiece.  We made one for Pap Pap and Grandpa Bob too!
Happy Father's Day!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

End of Year

The end of the school yesr is quickly approaching.  Mustaches have been hugely popular with the 3rd grade students so I decided to stick with the theme for their end of year gift.  These cups turned out so cute (Walmart - 6 for $1.00 - then add mustache decal.)  I filled them with candy, placed them in a bag, tied it off with mustache ribbon (how cute!), and added a gift tag. I can't wait to give these out tomorrow.
I have the best room mom.  I was lucky enough to get her son in first grade and now again in third.  She has done so much for me and the school.  This can in no way thank her enough, but hopefuly it will show her how much her time has been appreciated.  I got the clay pot at Walmart, painted it white with a sponge brush, and then stamped out my message.  I used a mustache stamp from Hobby Lobby for the rim.  Next, I added the thyme plant I bought at Walmart and viola!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Breakfast Favorites

Here are a few of Mallory's breakfast favorites. 
Nothing beats freash fruit.  Mallory loves to dip hers in vanilla yogurt.  Add some eggs and breakfast is complete.
Feeling adventerous?  Try this healthy pumpkin banana bread.  I found the recipe on Pinterest and then jazzed it up a little.  Here's what I did.
2 very ripe bananas
1/2-1 cup pumpkin puree
3/4 cup sugar (or less)
2 Tbsp. canola
2 large eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
1 3/4 cups flour (I used a cup of all-purpose and 3/4 cup of Trader Joe's MultiGrain Baking and Pancake Mix)
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
Spoonful of chia seeds
Spread into a buttered 8”x4” loaf pan and bake at 350 for 50 minutes.
Mallory also like the banana quinoa rice pudding.  It is made with coconut milk.
Mallory eats steel cut oats every other week.  One batch will last all week.  I even freeze it on occasion so I can pull it out when I am running short on yummy breakfast ideas.  We use Alton Brown's recipe.  Sometimes I leave out the brown sugar and just add a little Agave.

I love summer time and all the fresh fruit. My parent's have several fig trees.  Mallory will eat them whole! Luckily, she also likes cottage cheese.  I just add a little agave and she will eat it up.  Stiring fruit in works as well.