Sunday, July 28, 2013

Foot Print Crafts

A few weeks ago I started planning for Mallory's 2nd birthday party.  It is going to be a Minnie Mouse bash.  There are so many neat ideas on Pinterest and I want to try them all! It's hard to know what I can do myself and what I need to break down and buy.  So I started practicing.  Practicing you say..what does that mean?  Well, I am going to try making everything I want to have at the party to see if I can really do it or not.  So far I have had success with the cupcakes and cake pops.  I will post more on those later.  I also made a paper wreath out of Disney paper, which brings me to my latest craft.  I had a few sheets of paper left over.  The sheets without designs going all the way across the page.  I didn't think I would use them, but the Pluto page was perfect for a butterfly.  Mallory and I  had a few cards we needed to make so we set to work.  Next time I think I might add a ribbon to the top or maybe a bow.  We will be making a get well card tomorrow, but we are out of Pluto paper.  Time to think up something else. :)

Be sure the place feet on the opposite side, not how you would normally stand.  That way they are facing outward and resemble wings.  Then draw the body of the butterfly and add in the flight pattern with a sharpy. 

I used washable paint for the footprints and also for my stamps.  I just brush the paint on the stamp with my finger.  It wipes right off when your finished.  Using paint instead of stamp pads gives you more options as far color and stamp size. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cheesy Squash Casserole

Mallory loves to eat outside at her picnic table.  (It was a yard sale find for only $5.) She would eat every meal there if it weren't for the rain and my insistence that we occasionally sit at the table.  I figure the summer will be over soon so we better enjoy it while we can.  Today's lunch was chicken, squash casserole, and apple slices.  Mallory is all about cheesy squash casserole.  It's healthy (well it has squash in it) and pretty easy to make.  Best of all it makes a lot and I like it too! 

     Cheesy Squash Casserole 
*slightly adapted from the posting on Little B Cooks: Chronicles from a Vermont Foodie

olive oil 
6-7 medium squash
1 medium onion diced
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup light sour cream
1-2 tbsp butter 
4 tbsp breadcrumbs or panko (enough to lightly coat the top of the casserole)
Salt & pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 350 and grease an 8 x 11 casserole dish.  In a skillet over medium heat, drizzle olive oil to cover bottom of pan. Add the onions & squash and saute until tender, stirring frequently (for about 15 minutes). While cooking, season with some salt and pepper.

Drain squash & onions in a colander. Press down with a large spoon or back of spatula to get as much juice/water out as possible. (This step can be skipped depending on how much water you squash retains.  Just dump in a bowl, press with the back of a spoon and pour off any liquid.) Transfer the squash & onions to a large bowl, and  add both cheeses, sour cream, and salt & pepper. Stir well to combine, then pour into casserole dish.  

Top with bread crumbs and dab small slivers of butter on top.  Bake (uncovered) for 20-30 minutes, or until edges of casserole are bubbly.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

More toddler meals

1. First up we have steel cut oats and blue berries paired with a biscuit topped with peanut butter and banana slices.  It's really not that much work.  I make enough oatmeal to last all week.  Whenever Mallory wants some I pop a few spoonfuls in the microwave and then stir in some milk.  I made the biscuits earlier in the week and thought, hmm..peanut butter and banana, that might work.  The biscuits were pretty simple to make as they only had 3 ingredients.  No time? Try a bagel or English muffin.

2. It doesn't get much easier.  Mallory has been eating tofu since she could have solid food.  Trader Joe's sells two different flavors.  All I do is slice it up into cubes.  No cooking or heating required.  It makes a quick, easy snack.  Pair it with blueberries and strawberries and enjoy!

3.  We always go to the local coffee shop for bagel sandwiches on the weekend.  When you just can't wait till then, you have to make your own.  I used a whole wheat bagel and topped it with egg and cheese.  Serve with a side of honey dew and you are in business.  It's no coffee shop bagel, but it will do.

4.  Sunday Harris Teeter has their rotisserie chicken on sale.  Of course you can pick one up anytime almost anywhere, but I'm cheapen it! I'm not a fan of green beans and honestly, I didn't make those, my grandmother did, however, Mallory does like the frozen ones as well.  I try to stay away from vegetables in cans.  If I can't do fresh (which is always my first choice) I'll do frozen.  The carrots were also bought pre-cooked.  They are honey glazed with some herbs.  I picked them up at Harris Teeter in the meat section. They are the ready to serve.  I don't know that I will buy them again.  Mallory liked them, but I would rather steam my own.  Buying a bag of baby carrots and steaming half of it will give you several toddler servings.  

5.  Again with the tofu, but this time served with fresh cherries and parmesan roasted zucchini.  I love cherries, but refuse to buy them unless they are on sale.  Somehow I think this saves me money, but I buy more than I can eat and then end up having to throw half of them away.  For Mallory, I cut them in half and take the seed out.  I also watch her like a hawk as she eats them, because dropping a cherry will stain! The zucchini came from my parent's garden.  My first baby one in starting to grow.  It's only taken all summer! At least my parents have plenty.  I found the zucchini recipe on Pinterest.  Yes, I'm addicted as are we all!  Anyways, it's super easy and quick to make so check it out.

6.  Organic white quinoa and carrots.  If you haven't tried quinoa this is your chance.  It's gluten free and a good source of protein.  You can get a bag or box anywhere.  Mine was from Trader Joe's.  Just a word of caution, a little goes a long way.  If you don't want to eat it all week don't use more than a cup.  I used 1/2 a cup and that made several toddler servings.  Just follow the directions on the bag.  I substituted chicken stock for water and then stirred in some parmesan cheese (about 1/4 a cup.) It was pretty tasty!  Add any vegetable and your meal is complete.  Carrots, peas, broccoli, Mallory likes them all.  As I said before I really suggest cooking your own carrots.  These were frozen and the texture was kinda chewy.  It took me just as long to boil them as it would have to boil a fresh bag.  

Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Fourth of July!

As you know I love hand print crafts.  The other morning Mal and I made American Flags.  We used crayola paint and a bathroom tile.  I love using tiles for paint crafts because if you don't like what you made you can just wash it off.  Our tiles started out white.  Then we painted our fingers placed them on the tiles and stamped out the date. Unfortunately, the white fingers did not show up very well on the white tile...who would have thought I washed off the tiles and we started over.  This time I painted to tiles light blue first so that there would be more of a contrast.  Mal was such a good sport.  We made three in all and they turned out great.  The finishing touch was hot gluing a ribbon to the back so we can hang the tile somewhere in the house.  These also make cute gifts..I'm thinking Grandma....

You can pick up tiles for just s few cents at a hardware store.  The rest of your supplies you can get at Walmart - paint, ribbon, stamps.  Quick, fun, and cheap crafting!