Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cheesy Squash Casserole

Mallory loves to eat outside at her picnic table.  (It was a yard sale find for only $5.) She would eat every meal there if it weren't for the rain and my insistence that we occasionally sit at the table.  I figure the summer will be over soon so we better enjoy it while we can.  Today's lunch was chicken, squash casserole, and apple slices.  Mallory is all about cheesy squash casserole.  It's healthy (well it has squash in it) and pretty easy to make.  Best of all it makes a lot and I like it too! 

     Cheesy Squash Casserole 
*slightly adapted from the posting on Little B Cooks: Chronicles from a Vermont Foodie

olive oil 
6-7 medium squash
1 medium onion diced
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/4 cup light sour cream
1-2 tbsp butter 
4 tbsp breadcrumbs or panko (enough to lightly coat the top of the casserole)
Salt & pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 350 and grease an 8 x 11 casserole dish.  In a skillet over medium heat, drizzle olive oil to cover bottom of pan. Add the onions & squash and saute until tender, stirring frequently (for about 15 minutes). While cooking, season with some salt and pepper.

Drain squash & onions in a colander. Press down with a large spoon or back of spatula to get as much juice/water out as possible. (This step can be skipped depending on how much water you squash retains.  Just dump in a bowl, press with the back of a spoon and pour off any liquid.) Transfer the squash & onions to a large bowl, and  add both cheeses, sour cream, and salt & pepper. Stir well to combine, then pour into casserole dish.  

Top with bread crumbs and dab small slivers of butter on top.  Bake (uncovered) for 20-30 minutes, or until edges of casserole are bubbly.

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