Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Fourth of July!

As you know I love hand print crafts.  The other morning Mal and I made American Flags.  We used crayola paint and a bathroom tile.  I love using tiles for paint crafts because if you don't like what you made you can just wash it off.  Our tiles started out white.  Then we painted our fingers placed them on the tiles and stamped out the date. Unfortunately, the white fingers did not show up very well on the white tile...who would have thought I washed off the tiles and we started over.  This time I painted to tiles light blue first so that there would be more of a contrast.  Mal was such a good sport.  We made three in all and they turned out great.  The finishing touch was hot gluing a ribbon to the back so we can hang the tile somewhere in the house.  These also make cute gifts..I'm thinking Grandma....

You can pick up tiles for just s few cents at a hardware store.  The rest of your supplies you can get at Walmart - paint, ribbon, stamps.  Quick, fun, and cheap crafting! 

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